Brief History of Stupidity

Why stupid people are dangerous


Tiger Moto

11/18/20232 min read

Brief History of Stupidity

Stupid people and people who do stupid things are to be avoided at all costs. To understand why they are so dangerous we need to look at human nature. In any society there four types of people:-

  • helpless gullible people who can easily be taken advantage off

  • Intelligent people who are a civilizing influence on society

  • Bandits..these are criminals and sociopaths ..out for themselves

  • Stupid people..who you must avoid at all costs...cause damage to others with no benefit to one self

Italian economist Cipola defined stupidity like no other person..his analysis why stupid people are dangerous is a warning to us all...about the damaging effect of stupid people on society.

  • There are people who benefit others and not always to one self

  • Those who benefit themselves only

  • Those who cause losses to others

  • Those who cause losses to one self

    Gullible idiots are helpless people who benefit others not to one self...such people are altruistic..environmental activists are one group who are committed to saving the planet at all costs...believe they must help others even at a net loss to one self.

    Intelligent people are net benefit to them selves and others..guillable idiots must support intelligent people so that they cannot be taken advantage of.

    Bandits..which comprises criminals..sociopaths and many people from the business community benefit only one self..and cause damage to others. Criminals cause huge amount of crimes committed and the cost of arresting and imprisoning them. The business community go to extra-ordinary lengths to avoid their tax obligations.

Stupid people how ever are the most dangerous in great numbers. They bring no benefit to one self but cause great harm to others. The stupid in power are the most dangerous. George .w. Bush junior was the dumbest President the US has ever had...responsible for a whole series of disastrous policies including invasion of Iraq..on false information

Barack Obama however was intelligent but did stupid things...invasion of Afghanistan...bailed out the banks...not the people who elected him

So my formulae for stupidity is as follows:-

Stupidity + Inheritance + Position in Power = Disaster for Society

Classic example being George.w.Bush (junior) born in to wealth..of limited intelligence..went to a top University..where they ensured he passed despite being not too bright..promoted by Daddy bush into politics...groomed to become President despite his obvious lack of intellect..turned out disastrous for his country.

So remember stupid people are well as people who my be intelligent but do stupid things..the People on Wall Street are one such group..highly intelligent people..but subject to herd behaviour which can lead to net loss to others...the 2007/8 financial crash being one such example.

Politicians who make bad decisions with net loss to society..but no consequence to them selves. Tony Blair being one such person...sent UK troops to Iraq on false/in accurate/dodgy illegal act under International law..yet he suffered no loss..he is now a multi-millionaire.

EU sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine have back fired..causing losses to the citizens in high energy prices..but no loss to the Politicians.

In the Business community Elon Musk over paid for Twitter..realising his mistake did his best to get out of paying for it...he failed to do he has an over priced product from which he has to make a return for his shareholders.

So remember you must avoid stupid people..and avoid doing stupid things..think before you out the consequences of your actions..and you will prosperous.

Kind Regards

Tiger Moto